Web site for Frigerio Gomme tire dealers, the tire specialists

Our web agency was responsible for creating the website for Frigerio Gomme tire specialists. A great honor because Frigerio Gomme is one of the first tire dealers in the city of Milan. In short, our customers have been in the business of buying, repairing and servicing car and motorcycle tires for over 90 years and will soon celebrate their 100th anniversary.

Frigerio Gomme's website revamp.

Frigerio Gomme has a presence in Milan with 12 locations offering dedicated tire and workshop services.

Our web designers were responsible for making the existing website, which was dated and had an unintuitive navigation menu, a multisite website consisting of a main site and 11 minisites, one for each Frigerio Gomme location (except for one that already had a website).

Realizzazione sito web Frigerio Gomme

Preliminary study

The first fundamental step that distinguishes our agency is the strategic marketing consulting. In fact, at Isola we perform acomprehensive communication analysis and never just put the site online. Instead, we engage with clients to find the correct positioning of the brand and value proposition. In addition we study competitors, analyze the market and target audience in depth. Finally, we offer ideas and suggestions to activate a dialectical process with the client that leads to identifying the best strategy.

Web site realization

The implementation of the site is realized with graphic drafts and content of individual pages sent for acceptance to clients. If there are required changes we discuss them, apply them, and then implement the relevant page in a development environment, so as not to impact the previous site. In fact, the old site, until the new one is completed, must remain online without generating disruption.

This phase involved multiple months of work because our websites are tailor-made and each page is enhanced with an ad hoc layout. Obviously having 11 mini-sites to do and multiple sites to coordinate, the work was definitely significant.

Final monitoring

We had to migrate and adapt some of the Google monitoring tools that were present on the site, so as not to lose data from the past.
At the end we carried out a richer and more detailed data monitoring both on the general site and on the individual minisites. In detail, we wanted to study where the customer contact forms are coming from and the goals achieved.
Lastly, we set up periodic emails to send data to customers so that we could always keep an eye on the progress of the site and the performance of the various KPIs (Key performance indicators, i.e., the variables that will allow customers to evaluate the success of the website).

Training Course

At Isola in addition to the creation of the website, we aim for the client to be able to use it completely independently. This is especially true for the blog and article publishing area. While of course it is less likely to be the case for those structural sections that require more in-depth computer knowledge.
Of course, the more the client company knows and uses its website, the more it can continue to improve it and keep it updated. This helps both the user experience that finds current content and the ability to intercept new end customers in Google thanks precisely to the new indexed content.
This is why training plays an important role in projects Isola. With Frigerio Gomme, we conducted a course with all locations and created a comprehensive manual for self-management.

The features of the Frigerio Gomme website

Frigerio Gomme’s new website aims to highlight the company’s long experience and differentiate it from its competitors. In fact, Frigerio Gomme stands out for the care of its spaces and safe service suitable for a wider audience than the purely male.

In addition to this, another goal is to make the brands covered and theagreements with the companies immediately clear, as well as to give great space to individual locations.

Realizzazione sito web Frigerio Gomme
Realizzazione sito web responsive Frigerio Gomme


The colors chosen for the site are intended to make Frigerio Gomme stand out among competitors who usually use the color black geared toward a male audience. Instead, the choice of red that echoes the logo and that of white return a simpler and cleaner brand image. This choice fits perfectly with the target audience that includes women and families.

New images

We proceeded to include the new images taken by professional photographers at the launch of the site.

SEO Optimization

The texts and images have been optimized for SEO purposes to improve search engine indexing and site performance.

Realizzazione sito web responsive Frigerio Gomme

Stand-alone mini sites

The main site was flanked by 11 mini-sites to meet the varied needs of each site. All 12 sites have independent access and management.

Enhancing diversified services

Mini-sites are able to differentiate and enhance the services offered by each location by emphasizing its uniqueness and especially by covering specific geographic areas within the city of Milan.

Self-managed blog

Individual sites can write and upload their own articles to the dedicated minisite blog independently.

Responsive site

The website created is responsive and therefore graphically adapts to reading from different devices.

Sfida sito web Frigerio Gomme

Web site challenge for tire specialists Frigerio Gomme

The Web Site for tire specialists Frigerio Gomme responded to peculiar needs. Basically, our mandate included:

  • carry out a restyling of the site comprehensive and impactful, but one that reflected the essence of the Frigerio brand;
  • Improve user experience across the board, from navigation to readability;
  • To give opportunities for the various Frigerio offices in Milan to be able to communicate freely.

The result is a simple, intuitive, clear, and clean multi-site that facilitates navigation and allows individual sites to express themselves to the fullest through self-managed self-access minisites.

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