November 30, 2018

3 minutes

As of November 21, 2018, the Interior Designer District en Rose Team has held a Christmas sweepstakes named “Christmas en Rose 2018,” designed and supervised by Isola di Comunicazione.

We at Isola, in fact, spend ourselves on very different communication projects tailored to the needs and style of different clients. It is also an opportunity for us to broaden our experiences and put our skills to good use.

Specifically for District en Rose, we took care of the website and helped launch this contest, with the common goal of letting as many people as possible know about District.

But here is the detail of how the sweepstakes came about and was structured.

The collaboration with Isola di Comunicazione

The collaboration between District en Rose and Isola di Comunicazione still starts with the creation of the website, which you can check out by clicking here. And the collaboration continues on every possible occasion, from creating flyers, to writing custom articles and now for this new challenge: the launch of a digital contest.

Fundamental to the development of any communication project is the setting of a customized strategy with clear, achievable and monitorable goals.

This gave rise to the idea of putting out a call on social media, where District has a strong communication presence, and where many people are easily reached.

In fact, for District en Rose, we understood from the very beginning the main goal of making people aware of the services and enhancing the uniqueness of their brand. Nothing better, then, than to give users the opportunity to have a taste of it, easily and for free.

Isola di Comunicazione collaborated to build a dedicated and timed social plan with dates and topics so that the public’s attention was never lost from the opening to the closing of the sweepstakes. This was with constant updates on voting progress, additional information and quality content.

In this regard, the following have been created: an ad-hoc page on the website to launch the contest and presentation articles for the contest and its prizes.

The modalities of participation

Participation in the contest is designed to be easy, fast and free.

At the link here you could usually access the call for entries:

While below is the link to the projects that could be chosen and voted for:

The contest took place entirely on social networks(Facebook and Instagram).

All one had to do was log in with one’s account on the District en Rose page and indicate one or more preferences from among the various designs in the sweepstakes photo gallery(link here).

How could the preference be expressed? Simple.

By putting a like, commenting (with the reason for the preference) or sharing the project photo.

Of course, the sum of these three types of votes went to increase the chances of winning.

The contest prizes

The prizes were varied. They consisted of District en Rose‘s personalized gadgets, ideal for conveying the message of quality and care that the team offers its clients.

Personalized pillows, free consultations and top-quality room fragrances are up for grabs.

Find out about them in this article we co-wrote for the presentation and ranking!

Backstage at the awards ceremony

The winner’s draw was held live on Facebook at Rosa&Co (Café at Garibaldi, 16 in Milan) on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 from 6 p.m., with the possibility of live prize collection.

On this occasion we were also the Team from Isola di Comunicazione, as support both behind and in front of the cameras.

Thanks again to all participants, supporters, and those who followed us!

Check out all the photos here:
And the videos here:

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