Web site for employment consulting firm Di Domenico

Our web designers created the website for Di Domenico Employment Consulting Firm, perfectly in line with the identity and values of the company.

Employment consulting firm of Dr. Di Domenico Vincenzo that in Milan is distinguished by theexperience and constant updating of its professionals and the valuable services it offers to businesses.

In particular, the web designers from our communications agency were responsible for developing a website that was in line with the values of the firm, which until now had never had an online presence.

Web site development pathway for employment consulting firm

The development path for the creation of the employment consulting firm’s website consists of several stages:

  • cognitive interview
  • competitor analysis
  • Development of ideas, theme proposal and graphics
  • online implementation
  • SEO optimization and final checks

Acquaintance interview for the creation of the Di Domenico Consulting website

First of all, our web agency arranged a cognitive interview to discuss the project with the client, understand the values and corporate identity they would like to develop on the web.

This enabled us to come up with ideas in line with the corporate image and to select and propose colors, images, and themes that best suited the graphic taste of Dr. Di Domenico and his team of consultants.

Analysis of competing employment consulting firms

Next, we analyzed competitors so as to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of rival employment consulting firms.

Idea development, theme proposal and graphics

Following the cognitive interview, the development of ideas for the implementation of the site was well directed from the very beginning. In fact, with the help of our graphics team, we proposed and developed graphics in harmony with the client’s graphic preferences.

Online implementation of the site

After Dr. Di Domenico and all the members of his employment consulting firm reviewed and accepted the graphic proposals, we took care of theonline implementation on the WordPress platform.

SEO optimization and final checks

Finally, in order to get the site indexed on search engines, we took care of theSEO optimization of text and images. As a final point, there was certainly no shortage of testing and final checks to make sure the site was put online correctly.

The website feature for the employment consulting firm

The main feature of the website for the Milan consulting firm is definitely the page dedicated to the labor dictionary. In fact, this page is a very useful tool for all users interested in knowing the meaning of vocabulary used in the field of labor law. A glossary that, over time, will gradually update and expand its terminology.
For example, some of the searchable terms are:

  • Apprenticeship
  • Household allowances
  • Hour bank
  • and others

Web site presentation for employment consulting firm Di Domenico

Introducing the website for the employment consulting firm Di Domenico.

As previously mentioned, the web and graphic designers of our Milan graphic design studio were in charge of creating a website for a client who did not yet have an online presence.
In fact, despite word of mouth to get the word out about his business, Dr. Vincenzo wanted to start using the power of the web to spread the company’s brand identity on search engines as well.

What’s more, in addition to the creation of the site, our collaboration with the Milan-based employment consulting firm has also continued with regard to Google Ads AdWords advertising. That is, one more method that allows businesses to expand their network of contacts and visibility.

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