Website for Hexagram Foundation

Our web agency handled the redesign of the website for Esagram Foundation making it highly responsive and with intuitive and fast navigation.

The features of the Hexagram website

Here are all the features of the website for the Hexagram Foundation:

Sito web per Fondazione Esagramma

HTTPS protocol with SSL certificate

HTTPS protocol and SSL certificate providing an optimal level of protection against cyber attacks.

SEO Optimizations

SEO-optimized texts and images. So as to enable proper indexing of the website on search engines.

Responsive web design

Website built using programming techniques that allow content to be adapted according to the device with which it is viewed.

Content enhancement

Macrosections that allow for agile and immediate navigation within the Esagram Foundation’s services.

Introducing the Hexagram Foundation website

We present the website created for Fondazione Esagramma.
Our communication agency in Milan took care of the restyling of an existing website. In particular, we dedicated ourselves to graphic improvement and especially to changing thenavigation tree, which was very confusing and difficult to understand.

Before developing the site, we proposed and then customized, based on the client’s needs, a basic theme. Following the creation of the graphics for all pages, we implemented our ideas on the well-known website creation platform WordPress.

The distinctive features of the website for Hexagram are:

  • The macro-sections of the foundation’s services. Which clarify on each page what the service “categories” are.
  • staff sections. The latter allow viewing and reading the curriculum vitae of each member of the non-profit organization.

The predominant colors arelight blue and blue, echoing the hues of the logo.

Hexagram is designed to be an easy-to-navigate, graphically beautiful site that lives up to the nonprofit and its work.

Sito web per Fondazione Esagramma
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