February 8, 2021

3 minutes

The Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce is making available to businesses the CONneSSi: CONtributi per lo Sviluppo di Strategie digitali per i mercati globali.

This call aims to support medium, small and micro enterprises in developing digital promotion channels, through:

  • digital marketing
  • Access to international e-commerce and booking platforms
  • acquisition of forms of smart payment

Specifically, eligible expenses are as follows:

The CONneSSi call for proposals provides for a 65 percent reimbursement of expenses incurred with a maximum grant of €10,000, directly via bank account transfer.

Practices considered for the CONneSSi call will go in order of ranking (by time and day of entry) and may be submitted in limited numbers. In addition, work may only be performed within the next 180 days. Finally, they may also not be carried out in their entirety, resulting in a corresponding voucher curtailment.

If you are interested, get active now: we expect a fast depletion of the allocated budget!

If you want to learn more about the announcement click here: announcement CONneSSi Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza and Lodi


Applications will be eligible from 9 a.m. Feb. 12, 2021 until resources are exhausted, no later than 2 p.m. July 16, 2021.

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