Article marketing is one among a variety of communication strategies that allows you to increase your company’s online visibility.

Specifically, it allows you to:

  • Improve your web reputation, which is the opinion spread online about your business
  • Expand your site’s link popularity, that is, the number of pages that link back to your site
  • Increase the engagement of your current or potential customers

In this article, experts from thecommunication agency Isola want to explain in detail what this web marketing technique consists of and what important benefits it can bring to your brand.

What is Article Marketing

On a practical level,Article Marketing involves writing editorial articles that will be published on sites of partners, affiliates or entities in line with your business.

In this regard, it is essential to carefully choose the pages on which you want to appear.

In fact, to maximize the results of this strategy, it is necessary for articles to be associated with and visible on sites that deal with topics or products similar to those presented by your business.

Only in this way will you have a chance to intercept users potentially interested in what you propose.

Our advice?

Less is more: better few backlinks but strategically placed and on quality portals.

How Article Marketing boosts your brand reputation

As anticipated, one of the main benefits ofArticle Marketing is undoubtedly to increase your brand reputation on the web.

In addition, the ultimate goal is to create a real network of links that succeeds in directing and guiding the user to your web page.

To do this, this web marketing technique acts mainly on two variables:

  • search engine positioning
  • The increase in traffic to your site

Search engine positioning

Search engine positioning

Through Article Marketing you can improve your web ranking.

A proper communication strategy defines the style and content of corporate messages in a targeted way so that they respond precisely to what the target audience is looking for.

In addition, knowing how to take advantage of the good positioning of the sites where your articles are published can greatly increase your visibility.
By doing so, you have a better chance of appearing before your competitors in search results.

Increased traffic to your site

As an implicit consequence of good search engine rankings and a strategic network of links distributed to other sites, we haveincreased traffic to your site.

This is critical because it helps people connect with your business, understand its values and perceive the quality of the products or services you offer.

Only in this way can a user turn into a loyal customer.

Article Marketing and strategic communication: the trump cards of Isola

The Milan-basedcreative agency Isola di Comunicazione consists of a team of professionals specializing in copywriting, SEO positioning and strategic marketing.

In short, the ideal ingredients for creating an effective Article Marketing strategy .

In addition, relying on experts in the field allows you to create a professional and solid network .

Ask us now for a free custom quote to study your new digital strategy together!


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