Creating an effective logo (or logotype) requires a lengthy process that relies on collaboration between client and graphic designer.

Having a well-designed symbol is very important for making yourself known and promoting your company. In fact, thanks to this tool potential buyers can understand right away what your company is about and what values determine its decisions and processes.

So, in this article we want to explain how to create a logo. More specifically, we would like to analyze a case study taken from the web agency’s portfolio Isola di Comunicazione and go through all the steps that led to the final result.

The creation of a logo in Isola di Comunicazione: our project for ElleGi

Recently, professionals from our creative agency worked on a project for theElleGi construction company. In particular, we were responsible for the restyling of the business’s logo in a more modern and eye-catching look.

Before proceeding to actual operations, the very first stages of any collaboration with Isola always coincide withstrategy development. In this case, we started by identifying the client’s strengths that, through the new logo, we would need to convey at a glance.

From the meetings we had with ElleGi, a common decision emerged to focus on three pluses of the activity:

  • stability
  • professionalism
  • Turnkey service without the help of third parties

Once we determined what needed to be communicated, we then took action by going through 5 basic steps :

  • Brainstorming and early hypotheses
  • Moodboard
  • Color Palette
  • Choice of fonts
  • Graphic elements

1. Brainstorming and initial hypotheses

The essential first step in creating an effective logo is brainstorming. That is, the collection of disparate ideas that are put on paper to arrive at a final common solution. In particular, several hypotheses were made to create ElleGi’s logo.

We initially started with the idea of developing a house as an integral part of the logo itself.

The proposal, discarded by the client, made us take another , even more specific direction. In fact, in addition to conveying the concept of stability, ElleGi also wanted to focus on completeness of service, a great advantage offered to customers by this reality.

Specifically, we were asked to introduce a square, compass or trowel into the logo to represent both the construction and design phases.

So we decided to develop all three requests.

At this point, the problem encountered was that it was difficult to read the inserted images because so many elements created clutter. However, as we enlarged them, we noticed how the compass could become the roof of a house, thus linking back to the client’s request.

Construction company logo creation
Construction company logo creation

2. Moodboard

The moodboard is that part of the logo development that integrates the images and resources used in the brainstorming phase, to allow for easy reading of the design by the client.
In addition, this also allows for discussion with the entire team, so that we get to create something unique and easily distinguishable from competitors.

To make a moodboard, these steps are needed:

  • we are confronted with the customer’s request
  • one finds visually pleasing images that can be linked back to the project
  • new ideas are gathered
  • one sees again in the whole what has been brought to light
  • you come to a final solution

3. Color Palette

Corporate logo island palette creation

Next, the our graphic designers moved on to define the Color Palette. That is, the color pairings best suited to convey the client’s message.

For ElleGi, the choice fell on a simple and direct palette. In fact, we chose to use a bright red because of its ability to catch the viewer’s eye and attract the attention of potential customers.
Our intention was to make the reader focus on all the elements of the logo created. In this way, we enabled them to understand what kind of business our client does and the values that characterize it.

Not only that: in order to maintain balance, red was used as a filler for part of the name (“Elle”) and as lineart for the final part (“Gi”).

4. The choice of fonts

Regarding the choice of Fonts, our agency proposed two types of fonts: Alternate Gothic Condensed and Avory I Latin. Let’s look at them specifically:

Font used for construction company logo creation

Alternate Gothic Condensed – Designed by Morris Fuller Benton for the American Typefounders Company in 1903, it belongs to the Sans Serif family. Sturdy yet compact, this font is an excellent choice when typography needs to fit into tight spaces.

Font logo creation communication island

Avory I latin – Designed by Sláva Jevčinová and inspired by the lettering work of mid-century Czech graphic designer Jaroslav Benda. It features 9 weights, complete with italics and a wide range of symbols. Avory is a delicately condensed sans, distinguished for being easily readable even from a distance.

After several trials, we decided to use the former, given its greater readability and sense of stability.

5. Graphic elements

As mentioned earlier, the client asked us to include graphic elements within the logo with references to the work done by the company on a daily basis.

After discussing this with ElleGi, the compass was the ideal choice for us. In particular, we designed one in Minimal style, formed by simple, clean lines that are also functional for any business cards or small-format prints.

Once it was made, we showed it to the client, who requested that we also include maps of architectural plans. These were created by our specialists using the graphic table, a tool that allows freehand drawing. In this way, we were able to create an all-around customized logo.

Construction company logo creation

Beyond logo creation: the payoff for our client

ElleGi’slatest request was to create an impactful payoff to accompany the logotype and make it even more effective. I copywriters of Isola di Comunicazione created an ad hoc one capable of conveying all the ideals of the company. Here it is:

Isola: the creative agency for the creation of your company’s logo

After seeing the entire process of creating a logo, we can confidently say that ado-it-yourself image is yes cheaper, but it does not suit business activities that want to be characterized by seriousness and professionalism. The best choice is always to rely on professionals with years of study and experience behind them, to be sure of a result that is up to the standards of your business.

In this sense, Isola is thecommunication agency that offers a corporate logo creation service based on expertise and know-how. In fact, our graphic designers know how to meet your needs to create something unique, consistent and capable of making you stand out from your competitors.

Do you want to create your own logo together with us?
Request a free customized quote now. Or contact us directly: we are available for all your needs!

What are you waiting for?


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