Aisa Lombardy Section organized the Medical Conference onCare and Research for Ataxic Syndromes held on Sunday, November 18, 2018 from 10 a.m., at R.S.A. Emilio Bernardelli in Paderno Dugnano (MI).
The day was dedicated to providing information and updates on ataxia research and their methods of care.
This was thanks to several talks related to the world of AISA Sezione Lombardia, the Italian Association whose volunteers work to encourage and promote scientific research on ataxias. And finally, Lorenzo Zesi and Andrea Mineo – of Isola di Comunicazione – gave their talks on the development of the new website created for AISA and on the importance of communication for non-profit organizations.
In fact, the non-profit organization Aisa Sezione Lombardia carries out information and promotion activities for prevention. It lends support to patients and their families by helping them in solving problems arising from the onset of the disease. It also accepts funds to realize the goals of awareness and support.
Visit the Site to learn more about Aisa’s universe.
We, too, at Isola for nonprofit communication
We at Isola have committed our Professionalism to the service of this Project to provide the necessary tools useful to best pursue its web-based social solidarity purposes.

The topic: Web visibility and nonprofit marketing for AISA
At the Aisa Lombardy Section event, we discussed with you the “Development of the new AISA Site. Support and visibility in the web.”
Isola di Comunicazione, in fact, created AISA’s new website, a portal that was institutional and informative, up-to-date and easy to use. Our goals specifically were:
- networking
- increase participation in events
- Make the activity known to more people
- Giving visibility to the regional section
- spreading a message of hope
- collect donations
Indeed, it is thought that communication, marketing and all advertising measures have only profit as their goal.
So how can nonprofits or nonprofit associations be integrated with the marketing world?
During the meeting, we addressed how to communicate on the Web with a targeted strategy.
In fact, Associations do not aim to sell products or services.
Their purpose is to raise awareness, to draw attention to uncommon issues, and to generate trust and consensus with respect to the “mission,” its projects and activities.
Each reality obviously has its own specificities, but a common basis starts with a winning and uniform communication strategy both on the website, in advertising and on the social.
In fact, at the conference, we also talked about Google advertising, and its monitoring, and the opportunities these tools offer nonprofits like AISA.
Case in point: Isola has long been involved with non-profit organizations, such as PizzAut Association: a Project for aTo launch a social inclusion space run by children with autism. Read the article to get involved in the enthusiasm of this reality!
Nonprofit Marketing Strategy and Planning
Since each reality has its own objectives, a nonprofit marketing strategy that moves according to the “rules” of a for-profit planning is necessary.
A strategy that uses the same tools in order to be able to communicate the mission in a clear, transparent and, above all, personalized way.
Nonprofit marketing and communication is also accompanied by nonprofit advertising planning as a support to achieve results and broader involvement.
Finally, it is necessary to support all nonprofit communication planning with a measurability plan that is useful for measuring the nonprofit’s online presence. Through measurability of Internet marketing activities, in addition to conveying user attention, one is able to use data to turn it into in-depth knowledge.
This is because the importance of medical research and the various projects of Aisa Lombardia, as well as other nonprofit organizations, cannot truly move forward without the support of effective and continuously developing communication.
AISA Lombardy Section 2018 Event Poster and Program.
Visit the section Events of the Aisa Lombardy Section website to learn the details of the day.
You can also download the Poster for more information and to learn about the Program of the day.
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