April 10, 2019

3 minutes

Lorenzo Zesi, the ceo of Isola di Comunicazione, writes a chapter on digital marketing in the new book “Marketing Automation Strategies and Techniques – A Complete Guide” by Giulio Colnaghi.

Finally, a new collaboration in Isola di Comunicazione. A chapter written for a book on Marketing Automation created for businesses facing “digital” markets. An opportunity to understand the evolution of Marketing today.

Specifically, within the book we explain how to formulate an effective Marketing Automation strategy to improve lead generation and lead nurturing. Lead generation enables the creation of a list of possible customers interested in the products or services offered by a company. Lead nurturing , on the other hand, is the communication activity carried out in order to maintain contact with users.
“Marketing Automation Strategies and Techniques – Complete Guide” lets you know the advantages and benefits of Marketing Automation platforms precisely for the two goals of lead generation and nurturing.

Digital Marketing in Marketing Automation book

Also in Marketing Automation, digital marketing is the set of all those activities involved in promoting a brand, products or services through online advertising to achieve a predetermined goal.

In detail, the topics covered in the book are:

  • Digital marketing what is it?
  • Google Ads and Facebook Ads
  • Web marketing strategies for enterprise development

Digital marketing what is it?

As was mentioned earlier, these are all those activities that deal with the promotion of one’s company through one or more digital channels.

But what is the goal of digital marketing? Conversions. That is, all those actions that are considered positive for the company.

For example, as it is pointed out, the following are considered positive: contact form submissions, chats, reservations, e-commerce sales, app downloads, newsletter subscriptions, etc… In other words, anything that initiates communication with users is positive.

Before that, however, we need to talk about profiling.

That is, the activity of collecting and analyzing data from users in order to divide them into homogeneous groups based on specific characteristics. In fact, thanks to these subdivisions, it is possible to study the results of advertising campaigns, decide which target audience to address and how to do it.

However, the various digital dealerships, such as Facebook or Google, are not equivalent in audience profiling. In fact, Google assesses immediate needs through users’ searches, while Facebook has a way of understanding degrees of relatedness through information entered by the users themselves.

So, better Google or Facebook Ads?

Google Ads and Facebook Ads

To recap, better Google Ads or Facebook Ads? There is no absolute answer. They are two different tools.

In fact, it is explained in the book chapter that “the purposes often overlap…. One platform, however, does not exclude the other.”
Therefore, what to do? As is well known, acting on multiple channels by leveraging marketing tools increases the company’s online presence.

In particular, Google is a search network that caters to an audience actively seeking information to meet their needs. For this reason in searches we will have informed questions from users.

While Facebook shows ads to a large number of people who are chosen based on interests and demographics. As a result, we will not have informed questions but equally the possibility that users will evaluate the proposals in a positive way. We converse with a so-called “passive” audience, in the sense that it is not looking for a service or product explicitly. You communicate with it with a kind of “leafleting” made much more effective by precise targeting criteria. The targeting methods of Facebook Ads are still valid, however, let’s say especially from the perspective of considering the proposals of companies.

Consequently, relying on one platform over another depends on the type of market, the products and services offered, the audience, and the time frame.” But more importantly, it will be the experience of the individual company that will determine which balances are most valuable and profitable.”

Thus, at the center of every Web marketing operation is the individual company. Each reality is its own and must be studied and understood thoroughly.

Web marketing strategies for enterprise development

Like any strategy, Web Marketing is composed of a cycle of actions that never ends, in which goals are initially set and then performance is verified. The analysis of result indicators (KPIs) is the crucial point for the process to become virtuous by correcting any errors and improving the assets that are already bringing positive results. Everything is improvable and perfectible.

  1. Plan: as a first step, in order to set up an appropriate strategy, it is necessary to be unequivocally clear about what business goals you want to achieve.
  2. Do: then it is crucial to select the marketing tools that will allow you to connect with users.
  3. Check: next, it will be necessary to monitor new technologies as best as possible for enterprise development.
  4. Act: finally, thanks to the numbers collected and the statistics that have been generated, the optimization phase will begin.
  1. Plan: as a first step, in order to set up an appropriate strategy, it is necessary to be unequivocally clear about what business goals you want to achieve.
  2. Do: then it is crucial to select the marketing tools that will allow you to connect with users.
  3. Check: next, it will be necessary to monitor new technologies as best as possible for enterprise development.
  4. Act: finally, thanks to the numbers collected and the statistics that have been generated, the optimization phase will begin.

Processes may be complex, but the real difference in performance takes shape with the study of statistics and the vast multitude of data that well-set web marketing generates. Here then, the meaning of the sentence in our chapter becomes apparent: ” it is imperative to validate actual results through numbers. This makes it possible to test, experiment and objectively evaluate the goodness of any road.”. E la strada che porta certified and positive results, will be the one that can be traveled-until further verification!

If you would like to learn more about Isola di Comunicazione and our web specialists visit the section: about us

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