June 24, 2022

3 minutes

The first dissertation on a project of Isola di Comunicazione.

Specifically, the paper was discussed as the final paper for the Master’s Degree in Communication Theory and Technology atMilan Bicocca University.

The subject of the work is PMIMarketing: the “rib” site of Isola that offers digital services dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses. On the one hand, Isola it aims for maximum customization of services by offering its clients constant support and presence. On the other, with this e-commerce, it offers standardized online packages at competitive prices.

Within the thesis, each stage of theproject process that led to the creation of the platform, designed to concretely support SMEs in their online business, is analyzed.


The goal of the thesis on PMIMarketing: to make people understand the importance of digital support for small and medium-sized enterprises

The work done on PMIMarketing is part of a scenario in which there is a growing awareness of the business world toward issues related to web marketing.

Nowadays with the advancing process of digitization and the relevance assumed by online communication, an active online presence is now indispensable for any type of business.

Thus, the purpose of the paper is to make it clear how crucial it is to support small businesses by offering them the opportunity to select affordable and tailored digital marketing solutions.

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