March 14, 2020

3 minutes

The coronavirus quarantine has now affected all of Italy. So everyone is called upon to do their part to limit the spread of coronavirus.

Even at Isola we suffered the setbacks of quarantine and had to reorganize. But we have decided to deal with the coronavirus quarantine in a constructive way and have come up with a series of tips against boredom and sadness, as well as studied possibilities for growth for people, businesses, professionals.
In addition to this information and communication operation, the specialists of our communication agency want us to get involved ourselves. In fact, at the end of the article you will find the presentation of a free opportunity dedicated to businesses and professionals to react to the quarantine and prepare for the end of the coronavirus alert proposed by Isola di Comunicazione.

Listed below are suggestions of broad interest that could be useful in many areas: how to organize work from home with your colleagues, what platforms to use to stay up and running, what free services to access to make your connection easier, what activities to do to keep you busy or so you can distract the kids at home, how to deal with difficulties and discouragement, and more.

So many are the family and work realities that may now need digital to get through this period.

All the tips for staying and home with creativity and commitment during quarantine

We have been active in collecting useful tips for staying at home constructively and reacting to quarantine despondency. We present them on our socials and in this article, In addition, we have engaged in socials to suggest ideas and tips just to keep you engaged and to help you in your home business.


  1. Digital Solidarity | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine
  2. Children’s Games | Coronavirus Quarantine Ideas and Tips
  3. Arts and Culture | Ideas and Tips for coronavirus quarantine
  4. Support and Donate | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine
  5. Psychological Support | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine
  6. Irony | Coronavirus Quarantine Ideas and Tips.
  7. Training | Coronavirus Quarantine Ideas and Tips

We invite you to follow our social platforms where we want to virtually “meet” our friends, relatives, clients, and even strangers by offering some useful ideas for investing their time. Visit our social pages and channels:

1 Digital Solidarity | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine

Digital Solidarity | Ideas and Tips for Quarantine coronavirus
Digital helps you #restareacasa: there are many companies and associations that have decided to promote free services to support Italian citizens.
Unlimited phone deals, platforms that become free…commit your time!

Staying at home has never been so digital

  • the Minister of Technological Innovation and Digitization presents the innovative services and solutions you can access through the Digital Solidarity Initiative

Do you know of other digital outreach initiatives? We invite you to complete our Facebook post at this address Digital Solidarity Ideas and tips for coronavirus quarantine

2 Children’s Games | Coronavirus Quarantine Ideas and Tips

Children’s Games | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine
What to do with the kids?
These days the web is abuzz with ideas and activities you can do with your kids at home. The goal is to keep them occupied and distracted during this temporarily difficult time.

Here is a list to the many creative activities to do at home:

Do you have other ideas to suggest? Post them in the comments on Facebook on this post about Children’s Games Ideas and tips for coronavirus quarantine

3 Arts and Culture | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine

Arts and Culture | Ideas and Tips for Quarantine coronavirus
Staying home doesn’t have to be as boring as you may think. In fact, you can take advantage of the time to do something cultural and constructive all together as a family.
Thanks to technology, you can expand your knowledge or, why not, virtually visit the museum you’ve been wanting to see for so long.

Discover some alternatives for visiting places of art and culture while sitting on the couch:

Do you help us by integrating cultural proposals with others you know? Here is the link to the Facebook post on Arts and Culture Ideas and tips for coronavirus quarantine

4 Support and Donate | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine

Support and Donate | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine
We know that to fight the virus, we need to stay home, wash our hands, and heed all the advice they give us. But can we do more? Sure!
We can support all the facilities that are fighting for us. Let’s help them to help us.

You can search your municipality for similar initiatives, but remember: rely on known entities that show up on official sites.

Would you like to help us with other cultural proposals you know of? Here is the link to the Facebook post on Support and Donate Ideas and tips for coronavirus quarantine

5 Psychological Support | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine

Psychological Support | Ideas and Advice for Quarantine coronavirus
The health emergency we are experiencing at this time has disrupted our lives and daily routines. Unfortunately, not everyone is reacting with optimism and hope. That is why many free services have been activated in this regard.

  • Useful numbers have been established to respond to inquiries throughout Italy.
    In addition, there are numbers dedicated to special needs:
    800894545 For those who are pregnant
    800189521 If you are unable to go to a pharmacy, due to disability or serious illness
  • SIPEM (Italian Society of Emergency Psychology) offers a free support service for those in quarantine or home isolation. Just send an email, text or whatsapp message to be contacted.
  • Psychological support has been activated for all health personnel. They, who on the front line are dealing with this situation, subjected to enormous cognitive and emotional stress.
  • The whole of Italy has come together for the coronavirus emergency, and there are hundreds of support services you can find. There is no harm in asking for help, if only to have a friendly voice that can understand us and can hearten us.
    It is impossible to list all the initiatives activated to date. We suggest you type in your favorite search engine, even Google if you want, the following words “coronavirus psychological support” or click here:
    If the proposed sites are not centered for your area, no problem. Just add the name of your municipality or province and you will get results for the areas closest to you.

We need to be reminded that we are not alone, and in times of need one can still hope for help from good-hearted associations and people. But to be on the safe side, always check the entity that you propose to help.
Indeed, there are countless actions that tell us of nobility of spirit and love of neighbor. But as always there are some profiteers who are performing sad cases of looting and attempts to bypass those in need.

Do you know of other nationwide initiatives? Point them out on our Facebook post on Psychological Support Ideas and tips for coronavirus quarantine

6 Irony | Coronavirus Quarantine Ideas and Tips

Irony | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine
In this complex health emergency situation, there are also those who try to lift the spirits of Italians forced to stay at home.

In fact, for quite some time now, funny images and videos have been popping up on the web to combat the period we are facing.
Our social media message boards are filling up with memes that come to our aid to make us defocus for a few moments from the serious problem and to exorcise fear.
Here we have gathered a roundup of some funny memes that made us smile.
Irony is viral and social media helps us share it.

Want to see our selection of ironic images dedicated to coronavirus? Discover them in our Facebook post Meme and coronavirus images.

7 Training | Coronavirus Quarantine Ideas and Tips

Training | Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine
During the Coronavirus emergency, there are many companies that have made courses and informational materials free of charge.
If you would like to take advantage of the time you are spending at home learning, you can choose from online resources and opportunities related to various interests that we suggest. Read our article.

  • One of the first courses we recommend is Google Digital Training, Google’s free course.
    We talked about it in our article: The best free online web marketing course.
    The course teaches the basics of web marketing and is a great springboard for those who want to dive into the digital world and understand its potential.
  • Babbel, the popular foreign language learning service, has dedicated an exclusive offer for all homebound students. Specifically, the offer entitles students to a free month for a course of their choice from the available languages.
  • Smau Academy, a free professional training platform that provides a selection of free videos and workshops for entrepreneurs and professionals who wish to upgrade their skills.
  • Coursera, the U.S.-based platform where you can find a wide range of courses on different subjects and disciplines, has made its catalog of online college courses available.
  • Also for college students, Class Central has brought together online a collection of free courses from top universities around the world such as MIT, Stanford and Harvard.
    The subjects covered are varied. They range from business to design, from computer science to medicine.
  • Digital Rebirth is one of the many services featured in “Digital Solidarity.”
    In this online network, you can take free streaming courses.
    In these live streams, professionals and experts will take turns to cover topics on: business development and financial management, smart working and digital transformation, digital communication and marketing.
  • Team Service, a one-stop shop for advice on administrative and bureaucratic compliance management, instead offers a mini-guide and sessions lasting up to 15 minutes on the practical use of Digital Signature.

Have you had a chance to attend other interesting free courses and feel like sharing? Here is the link to our Facebook post Training Ideas and Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine

The work of our communications agency during the coronavirus quarantine

At Isola we have adopted the government’s restrictions on Coronavirus quarantine and reduced the chances of contagion with smart working, a solution that allows us to pursue commitments and projects with our clients. Plus below you will find a free opportunity for businesses during the quarantine.

You continue to work and ideate…just in different places.

In fact, the digital world allows us to stay constantly connected; we stay at home waiting for everything to go well with the goal of getting the best out of this period as well. We are positive and hopeful, which is why it is important to think that a time as complex as the Coronavirus quarantine is to be used to develop various projects that we have left aside.

We must strive for the best always, so even quarantine could be anopportunity to commit to:

  • designing a subsequent relaunch
  • Reorganize their workflows
  • study something new
  • Preparing for a new work strategy
  • implement their own knowledge

Below you will find our proposal, as a communications agency, no-cost offer dedicated to businesses and professionals to engage us directly as an agency.

The idea of Isola to support you in quarantine

Our idea was to get active to do our part in what we do for a living:

  • information
  • communication
  • training

So what you found above is our daily “calendar” in the making, with several links to articles, videos or ideas for each topic in the coronavirus quarantine period.
Instead below you will find our free training proposal for businesses and professionals during the coronavirus quarantine.
This is our philosophy: “stay home, but don’t stop.”

So we launched a new “hashtag”: a slogan of positivity and encouragement not to give in to the boredom or sadness that can increase on these home days. But not only that, but also to remain combative as activities will hopefully restart soon: #stiamoacasamanonfermiaci

We believe that “in the midst of difficulties come opportunities” (Albert Einstein) so we want to keep you company and support your ideas.

A free opportunity for businesses during quarantine

The Web Agency of Milan Isola di Comunicazione makes itself available to businesses and professionals.

Our experts in collaboration with the teachers of Digital Marketing and Communication Training Courses Next Level Academy offer you:

  • to nonprofits 40 minutes of free remote training
  • businesses 30 minutes of free remote training
  • to stores the activation and optimal configuration of Google My Business Maps free of charge

A no-cost opportunity to delve into marketing, communications and web topics that could make a difference as soon as we can return to work without quarantine. Or to be found more easily and more effectively when we get back on the move smoothly.

You can request free Google map setup or web consulting to learn the basics or clarify doubts about:

  • website development
  • communication strategies
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • social media
  • SEO optimization sites for search engines
  • video marketing
  • editorial plans
  • Google Analytics
  • growth hacking
  • cybersecurity
  • e-commerce
  • communication strategies
  • Hosting
  • graphics
  • copywriting
  • Interior Design, renovation of commercial, business and office spaces
  • or alternatively you evaluate other services for which to request a free remote consultation in our web agency services section

In other words, our communications agency has not closed down. On the contrary, we are continuing to work on completing projects and studying a recovery in full swing after the Coronavirus quarantine.

In fact, we continue to do our work even now because we can work on our computers anywhere. So if you plan to put in place web marketing and communication strategy actions, you may decide to take advantage of this waiting period with us.

But we make ourselves available to schedule appointments by skype videocall, videocall hangout, teamviewer or phone call to delve into new areas of web marketing and communications without either charge or sales. If you’d like, come and learn more about our communications agency.

This is what we know how to do. And this is meant to be our way of showing solidarity in concrete ways with those we don’t know:

  1. making information and communication
  2. make available in our web marketing know-how

It is not easy however we are sharing this difficult historical moment all together. In short, our idea is to believe to the end that #allgoodwillhappen.

Don’t just wait for the quarantine to end.
Have a videocall coffee with us from your home and get ready to get off to a good start.

Contact us below or on our web agency contact page.

Teaching for companies and professionals during the coronavirus

You never stop learning, even during quarantine.
It is unthinkable to continue studying or teaching in the traditional ways, nowadays it is essential to stay abreast of the times so as not to get crushed and put our company or career path in trouble.

What we will do is to accompany you step by step through all the stages, starting with the strategy and ending with the publication and sponsorship of your course. You will only have to tell us your story and your goal, and we will take care of the rest.

Training schools, courses and video courses

We at Isola have summarized in one article everything you need to know to implement and promote your course.

Whether you already have your own site or want to start from scratch makes no difference, the advice applies to any starting situation: already an expert or a total neophyte, student or professional, already a site owner or completely absent on the web. We are here for you.

Go to the article

Follow us on social media even during the quarantine

Stay connected to our social and public channels to find out upcoming tips and keep us company until April 3, 2020.

Or come back and visit this article every day, as it will continue to collect our tips for overcoming boredom and Coronavirus quarantine worries.

Finally, if you have others to suggest, please do not hesitate to comment on the posts or write to us. We still have many suggestions in the pipeline that could be enriched with your ideas. Get your creativity going!

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