The Russian search engine Yandex is by far the best known and most widely used platform in Russia.
In terms of online services, all Russian citizens leave aside international brands and prefer the Made in Russia search engine. In fact, it reaches a very large audience of more than 64 percent of the population.
Historically, it was founded before Google and offers a number of features similar to the latter, but differs in several additional services that Google does not have.
Yandex vs Google
When Google was born in 1997, Yandex Browser was already present in the Russian market. Currently, despite competition Google is trying to improve its presence in the market, the Russian company continues to excel in the industry.
The Yandex home page is the most visited in Russia because through it you can directly access many exclusive services including:
- IMAGES – YANDEX IMAGES: for searching for images found on the web
- VIDEO – YANDEX VIDEO: for searching for videos.
- eMAIL – YANDEX MAIL: represents an email server
- NEWS – YANDEX NEWS: for up-to-date news consultation at any time
- MAPS – YANDEX MAPS: to access online maps of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkey
- ENCYCLOPEDIC INFORMATION – YANDEX SLOVARI: encyclopedic information search service
- CLOUD – YANDEX DISK: that is, a cloud storage
- MUSIC – YANDEX MUSIC: to search for music and listen to music on the web
- PRICE COMPARATOR – YANDEX MARKET: to research and compare prices, read reviews and technical specifications of products
- TAXI SERVICE – YANDEX TAXI: to search for cabs in various Russian cities.
- TRANSLATOR – YANDEX TRANSLATE: online translator service

not least among them the most interesting tools inherent in the world of web marketing:
- WEBSITE ANALYSIS – YANDEX METRICA: website analysis tool similar to Google Analytics
- ADVERTISING – YANDEX DIRECT: system for creating paid advertisements similar to Google Ads
- WEB ANALYSIS – YANDEX WEBMASTER: website analysis tool from an SEO perspective similar to Google Search Console
The Russian version of these offered services is designed specifically for local users who relive Russian language searches. For this reason it is sometimes even better than other competitors.
Where Yandex works
So we can say that the use of Yandex is indispensable for reaching your potential customers in a very attractive market such as Russia. This is because it is designed specifically for the Russian language and culture. Consequently, if you are trying to advertise your business or products in this country, it is a must to adapt all marketing activities to its positioning logic:
- Learn SEO strategies (different from Google’s) so you can gain position in the serp with your site on (which works differently from also using Yandex Webmaster
- carry out advertising with Yandex platform tools that replace Google Ads and Google Analytics: Yandex Direct and Yandex Metrica.
Yandex for Russia, but not only
We talk about Yandex for Russia, but not only. More generally, Yandex remains the portal used by the Russian community present in Italy, traveling to our country, but also traveling for tourism or business around the world.
In addition, the platform also enjoys a strong presence in the following countries:
- Ukraine
- Belarus
- Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan
- Turkey
An important milestone for our agency has been reached. We have acquired Yandex certification for study consulting, analysis, setup, configuration, training for your web marketing in Russia.
We are now ready for new challenges and to discuss your growth goals together: including in Russia.
Learn more about our service â–º Yandex Direct consulting