Thegoal of anyone who owns a digital space is to bring visits to their site. In fact, nowadays having an online presence is crucial because it allows you to be reached by potential customers all over the world and at all times.

However, being there is not enough: it is necessary for users to visit our page. But how to increase visits to your site? There are several techniques to accomplish this, and Isola di Comunicazione is highly specialized to put them all into practice.

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Increasing website visits: the acquisition channels to act on

To increase visits to your site, a good starting point is to analyze where the traffic is coming from and then study how to strengthen the channel. In this sense, tools such as Google Analytics help us a lot by pointing out acquisition channels, which, specifically, are:

  1. direct access
  2. organic research
  3. Google Ads
  4. social networks
  5. referral traffic

Let’s see together how to take advantage of it.

1. Direct access: how to grow visits to your site

With direct access we mean all those visits that can be attributed neither to a campaign nor to organic search, but that come from users who know your address or have it bookmarked in their browser or, again, open it from a link inserted in an email. In short: all those cases where the search engine is not the intermediary of the visit.

Once you have purchased a domain and completed the creation of a website or the development of an e-commerce, report the url everywhere: advertising flyers, signs, business cards. You will thus exploit this first acquisition channel to increase visits to your site.

2. Organic research

Online, organic means free. It is therefore a waste not to invest part of one’s time to take advantage of it.

Whenever a user performs a search on the Internet, search engines return results that they consider relevant. Through good practices of SEO Search Engine Optimization you can rank your web pages high and increase visits to your site.

In fact, SEO allows:

  • Of making the search engine understand what information is contained on your portal
  • to make your platform authoritative and relevant in the eyes of Google, which will then recommend it to more people

Great content from an SEO perspective is the first thing to focus on when you decide to go online. If writing for the web is not within your skill set, take advantage of our copywriting services!

3. Google Ads: how to increase visits to your site

Google Ads and its ads are the most important tool we have for bringing more visits to a website. In fact, they allow us to appear both on the first page among search results and in other spaces scattered around the web pages on which users browse.

Not only that, Google sponsored ads also give us the opportunity to intercept a very targeted audience interested in our business, provided we know how to juggle the online advertising. This is divided into two main categories:

  • For the research network
  • For the display network

Let’s take a brief look at the difference together.

Ads for the research network

Search network ads are paid spaces in the SERP that we can rent either on Google, on other pages also run by Google, or on partner sites.

Thus, by activating them correctly and strategically, our site will be shown at the time when the user is engaged in searching for certain keywords that we choose. Not only that, through additional information called extensions, we can target only very select audiences. The latest addition to Google is theimage extension.

Clearly, this allows us to be found by users who are very interested in services and products like the one we offer. So, the chance of getting a conversion (i.e., a valuable action such as sending contact forms, a call or purchase from the site) is very high.

If you want to learn more, read the article where we explained in more detail what search network ads are.

Ads for the display network

Differently, ads for the display network are shown at different stages than the actual search. For example, banners you find while browsing on a portal or YouTube fall into this category.

Among the advantages of this way of advertising is definitely the lower cost. In addition, it is very useful both when presenting your proposal ( they contribute to your brand awareness) and when reminding a user who has already visited your site (put in technical terms, when you want to do remarketing).

4. Social networks: how to increase visits to your site

Also the management of social networks falls within the practices that lead to increasing visits to a site.

For example, you can think about applying the principles of content marketing and create interesting blog articles that you will then take up in your social content. Not only that: making your company profiles popular on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok and all the others will lead you to more audience and thus more web page views.

5. Referral traffic: how to get more visits to your site

A final way to get more page views is through referral traffic. This term refers to all those visits that do not come from a search engine, but from other sites or portals where our site is linked. So, upon closer inspection, users coming from social networks or YouTube also fall under this type of traffic.

There are several ways to increase it. For example:

  • Implement link building strategies – That is, make arrangements with other website owners to quote each other on their portals.
  • Leaving comments with your own link on others’ sites, blogs and social profiles – In this case, it is always good to be unobtrusive so as not to fall into spam.
  • Doing guest blogging – That is, inviting industry bloggers and content creators to create text content for your site so that their followers land on your pages

Isola Agency: the ideal partner for generating quality site visits

As you could see, bringing quality visits to a site is not easy; it requires commitment, skills and know-how. All aspects that theweb marketing agency Isola di Comunicazione possesses.
In fact, while it is true that all the techniques we have just seen are a basic requirement to get noticed, it is equally true that putting them into practice is not enough. A website or e-commerce must be structured effectively, with short loading times and a flawless user experience.

Also, theidea that having lots of hits is functional for business is old hat. What matters most are conversions, for which the number of views is important, but it is not the only thing. We strive to make sure that users don’t just grow in quantity. Our – and your – interest, is that these are quality, meaning that they are primarily potential customers who want to buy your product or service.

Contact us to find out how to launch your online business so that your investment pays off in a short time and your online presence becomes profitable for your business!


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