Doing remarketing Ads is an extraordinary tool for intercepting potential customers during their decision path toward requesting an online service or purchase. There are several ways and many types of retargeting. Moreover, as of today, almost all advertising platforms on the web allow you to apply it.

To relate this back to an experience that has surely happened to you, we cite the example where you search for a certain type of product on Google and, a few days later, while browsing the weather news, you find the same product reposted with an invitation to buy it. Well this is a classic example of remarketing.

So let’s shed some light on this multifaceted and incredibly stimulating world: read on!

What is remarketing Ads

Before delving into specific and technical aspects, it is best to explain the terms we will use, starting with the definition of remarketing Ads.

With this wording, often replaced by the similar retargeting, refers to a mode of digital advertising specifically directed toward a user who – in the past – has taken some action on your site. For example, it may be a visit or viewing of pages related to certain products and/or services.

Not only that, there can also be remarketing for users who have already converted, and here we come to the second key definition. By conversion we mean anaction of value that the visitor makes on your portal. The importance and magnitude of this action depends on the goals of your promotional campaign. Some examples of conversion may be:

  • the conclusion of a purchase
  • Sending an email or a call to receive additional information
  • newsletter subscription
  • subscription
  • the request for a quote

The user’s path to conversion: what is remarketing Ads for?

Before taking avaluable action on your website, the user takes a decision path that can often be very long. In fact, only about 2 percent of traffic (i.e., of total visitors in a given time period) results in a conversion on the first visit.

Getting down to specifics, if you own an e-commerce business that sells shoes, it is by no means a given that a customer will conclude the purchase of a pair of sneakers-perhaps very expensive ones-the first time he or she gets in touch with you. Before you do:

  • Will inquire about the specific model of shoes he is interested in
  • Will look for information on your portal
  • will read reviews
  • Will compare your prices with those of competitors

In a nutshell: he will try to solve all the doubts that make him be undecided. It is precisely in these moments that remarketing Ads becomes one of the most useful resources you have at your disposal. This is because it is a tool that can make sure that, during the time from visiting your site to conversion, your company continues to appear among the pages on which the potential customer browses.

In doing so:

  1. you can reaffirm your existence and offer yourself as a viable and reliable solution to his needs
  2. he will feel taken by the hand and accompanied toward the final purchase.

At this point you may be wondering: how to make this possible?

How and where to do remarketing Ads or retargeting

The world of remarketing Ads or retargeting is composite and very diverse. To fully understand it, let us now focus on two very important aspects:

  • platforms that allow you to remarket
  • the 2 main ways of carrying out this activity

The platforms on which you can do remarketing Ads

The platforms that allow you to do Ads remarketing are many and include all the spaces most frequented by people when they surf the Web. In fact, you can do retargeting on:

LinkedIn Ads

To appear on the social network most frequented by students looking for work and professionals eager to showcase their skills

Google Ads

the advertising platform of the world’s most widely used search engine. This allows you to promote yourself on Google, all partner sites, YouTube and any portal open to paid listings through the ads for the search network and the ads for the display network

Facebook Ads

that allows you to advertise on the two most important social networks of the moment: Facebook and Instagram

Ultimately, remarketing Ads activity can be truly omnichannel and comprehensive, and this is precisely the best strategy to adopt to make it effective. However, the other side of the coin is that in-depth expertise in different areas is needed to optimize digital advertising efforts and make the investment profitable.

2 ways to do remarketing Ads

The ways in which to remarket Ads are almost endless. Let’s look at the 2 most common ones:

  1. Through banner ads that remind people of your business name, the product or service you offer, or even the particular item the user was interested in.
  2. Given a product or service that has already been purchased, one can implement up-sell or cross-sell actions by offering related or complementary items. If you think about it, this is exactly what happens in physical stores. When you buy a remote control that needs batteries, the clerk will try to sell you those batteries as well. Again, when you go to the checkout counter at the supermarket, here you always find low-cost items and often put a couple of them in your cart: they won’t make a difference to you on the overall spend, but the turnover and average receipt of the business will go up.

As you note, the principles of online marketing are the same as those of face-to-face selling, adapted to a different context.

The different types of remarketing Ads

There are many types of remarketing Ads you can take advantage of. For example:

  • Avery simple retargeting action is to have your ads appear to a user in the days or weeks following a visit to your site
  • If you want to make remarketing much more accurate, you can analyze visitors’ dwell times on the various pages of your portal. Based on this data, you will pop up banners focused on the particular product or service they were most interested in.

The expertise of Isola di Comunicazione for your remarketing Ads

La web agency in Milan Isola can help you precisely in this regard. Among the great advantages of turning to a communications agency is precisely the fact that you can have a team with professionalism and knowledge in the most diverse areas of online advertising and web marketing. In fact, we deal with:

In addition, we are able to act on the realization of websites, on the creation of landing pages and on the development of e-commerce that are functional and work in synergy with paid advertisements. Our experienced web designers, copywriters and the graphic design studio provide you with the highest level of training to achieve your online goals.

Contact us now and let’s start together to formulate your remarketing Ads and all the activities around it!


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