Along with the search network, Google Ads display network ads are among the main means we have at our disposal to make our business known online. However, the requirement to use them to the fullest is always the same: know them thoroughly . In fact, it is necessary to know:

  • the types of ads we can create
  • What are the bidding strategies that enable us to achieve our goals quickly
  • what advantages can we have

Continue reading the article to find out how to make the most of this tool with Isola di Comunicazione!

The definition: what are Google Display Ads

As with the search network, Google Display Ads are paid advertisements that the world’s most widely used search engine shows to users. There are differences, however:

  • In the search network the advertisements are shown in the SERP (Google’s results page); in the display network they are placed in the advertising spaces of partner sites and will therefore be seen not in the search phase, but at different times. If we use them together it is therefore possible to be shown on more than 2 million websites.
  • Sponsored content for the search network consists of text only, and only recently was the beta version of theimage extension. In contrast, in the display network, advertisements also include photographs, graphics, videos and logos, and can thus be made highly engaging to attract more users to one’s web page.

From these features alone, we understand well that the online advertising is an excellent opportunity to reach quality customers, that is, those who are really interested in our product or service.

So let’s see now:

  • The best Google Ads display ads to promote a business activity
  • Two of many possible strategies for finding the users most likely to turn into customers

Google Ads adaptive display ads

Google Ads adaptive display ads
Google Ads adaptive display ads

Adaptable Google Ads display ads are among the best performing within the different types of illustrated ads that you can create. The reasons for this success are mainly 2:

  1. display adoptimization
  2. major coverage

The optimization of Google display ads

This type of advertising also consists of a text part and a visual part, with logos, images and videos. However, once created, it will then be the search engine that will optimize it by evaluating the most suitable combinations of images, videos and text to achieve thegoal.

In fact, Google makes money every time a user performs an action on a paid ad that is proposed to him (clicks on it, makes a purchase on the landing page, fills out the contact form). Therefore, it is in his interest to promote our business as best he can so that both his income and the number of visits to our site increase.

The increased coverage of Google display ads

An additional advantage of adaptables is then the fact that they are shown on all Google partner sites, thus allowing us greater coverage. In addition, once they are embedded in all these portals they result as native.

This means that they blend seamlessly with the structure of the site hosting them, taking up its fonts, fonts and format. By doing so, the advertisement will fit into any ad space, look less contrived and will not bother the user.

2 strategies for your display campaign

Among the many possibilities, there are two very effective strategies for creating a high-performing display campaign:

  • Remarketing – This consists of showing our advertising to users who have already visited our site in the more or less recent past, reminding them of our existence. It is very effective for retrieving a user who on first visit was simply looking for information about the products or services we sell. Or, to improve recollection and consideration of the company in the perception of customers in our target market.
  • Targeting – By understanding the characteristics of customers, we can show the ad only to users of a certain age group, a certain gender, a specific residence or based on data behaviors people have held on the web in the past. Not only that, we can also decide to place our ad only on those sites related to our industry. In fact, Google knows perfectly well thegeneral topic of all existingweb pages and will select only those that talk about topics related to our product.

How much do Google Ads display ads cost

Knowing the cost and how you pay for Google Ads display ads is critical to understanding what budget to allocate to digital marketing. The search engine provides us with 3 types of offers to choose from:

  1. The Cost-per-Click (CPC) – In this case, we pay only when a user clicks on the ad shown by Google and is taken to our page
  2. The Cost-per-Thousand-Impression (CPM) – Every time our advertisement is shown 1000 times (even without any clicks!), the search engine will ask us to pay a certain amount
  3. The Cost-per-Acquisition (CPA) – We pay only when a conversion occurs, that is, when those who arrive on our page by clicking on an ad space perform avaluable action. For example, they write us an email, buy on our e-commerce, join our newsletter.

To better understand how it works, we need to think about Google Ads as a perennial and very fast auction. In fact, anyone who creates an ad chooses the keywords that are most interesting to them and sets the maximum amount they are willing to spend to appear in that search string.

Whenever a user searches for something on the Internet, Google initiates anauction in which it evaluates the relevance and quality of the ad with respect to the words searched, its likelihood of capturing the user’s attention, and thebid made. On these evaluations, a ranking is created with all advertisers interested in appearing in that given search.

Whoever ranks highest wins the top positions, i.e., the top SERP spots for the search network and the partner sites most in line with our page for the display network. If you want to learn more, read our article on how much Google Ads costs.

Ultimately, creating campaigns with Google Ads is a strategic game in which you need great copy, quality graphics and images, and skill in defining your offer.

A campaign with Google Ads display ads: the benefits

Summarizing what has been said so far, Google’s display ads have these advantages: some of these advantages are of display ads, others of google in general

  • exploit thevisual element in addition to copywriting
  • are placed within partner sites without being invasive, but still in places on the page that the user’s eye often falls on
  • Have much lower costs per click than the search network, aligning with the costs per click of Facebook and Instagram
  • Can come into contact with the user while enjoying a wide variety of content on the web
  • are most useful in the brand awareness, consideration and remembrance phase of the product and/or service offered

Plus, like other Google campaigns:

  • give us several budget management options to choose from based on our goals
  • we can constantly monitor the progress of listings to make appropriate changes and improvements
  • we are allowed to create individual ads, or groups of ads that work in synergy, allowing for tests and performance comparisons
  • by leveraging machine learning, we will always have the best algorithm in the world to find the optimal combination of text and images, thus increasing the chances of getting results

The skills needed to develop effective Google Ads display ads

Despite the web marketing may seem like a simple discipline, there are skills behind every single listing that you need to master with ease. Especially when we consider that, exactly as in reality, online promotion of a business is only the final part of a business project.

For example, as the first thing you need to make a website, develop an e-commerce o create a landing page that are responsive and fast loading, as well as having excellent content written with a view to SEO. In fact, a sloppy portal on the one hand is unlikely to be promoted by Google, and on the other hand will not lead to any hits even if a user visits it.

Not only that, once you have set up the backbone of your digital home, you need to furnish it. Therefore, both flowing and relevant texts and graphic designs appealing that facilitate navigation and make it a pleasant experience for the user. In addition, even the social media require the same dedication because they are an integral part of our page and online presence.

Only at this point can one deal with the management of Google Ads.

Isola di Comunicazione: a Certified Google Partner for your display ads

For all these reasons, the web agency in Milan Isola di Comunicazione aims to help all businesses create their digital identity consistently in all the spaces they can inhabit.

We will analyze together how to structure your website, what social apps are essential to have to achieve your goals, what features your graphics should have to communicate your values, and how to set up Google advertising.

We are Google Certified Partner and for over 10 years our specialization has beendigital advertising. But we haven’t stopped at just Google: we also have the certified Yandex which allows us to operate effectively also on the leading Russian search engine.

Contact us to tell us about your project and to make sure your investment in Google Ads really brings valuable results!


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