September 24, 2024

3 minutes

I Core Update Google 2024

In this article we have collected all the Google Core Updates published during 2024. A comprehensive guide to understand what the latest changes are, but most importantly, how the search engine evaluates the quality of content produced by websites.

Usually Google releases 2 to 3 updates a year with major changes on its algorithms and search systems.

Google algorithm update: August 2024

Google’s August 2024 algorithm update is the second Core Update of the year. But what does it consist of in practice? We can say that it is an integration and refinement of previous updates.

Google, in fact, goes on to “improve the quality of search results” by rewarding-and thus showing first on the search page-content that is useful to people. In particular, it emphasizes that texts should be:

  1. Written to answer users’ questions and satisfy their search intent, rather than focusing on manipulative SEO techniques
  2. as complete as possible, with clear information
  3. valuable, original and unique, expressing great expertise and dedication to the topics covered

The intervention also aims to enhance the value of smaller sites (such as small publishers and independent sites) that, despite publishing high-quality and relevant content, were penalized with theHelpful Content Update of 2023, losing traffic and ranking.

What is the Google Core Update March 2024 that rewards useful and original content

On March 5, Google released a major update to its search algorithm. The intent is to:

  • Improve the quality of user searches
  • Offer greater emphasis on sites that give space to unique content written for people
  • Limit spam and clickbait phenomena

Google’s March 2024 algorithm update is one of the most complex in recent times. In fact, the update will integrate into the search engine’s algorithm a number of systems that until now have worked individually – such as theHelpful Content System – enhancing their functions and combining them with a number of new tools and innovative approaches (including AI).

What will all this change? Google’s algorithm will favor useful texts, written for users and not to please the search engine.

Google’s battle against low-quality content designed only to generate traffic to sites, perhaps by applying unfair practices such as clickbait, is now getting more serious.

But what is hoped to be achieved with the Google 2024 Core Update? According to Elizabeth Tucker (Director and Product Management at Google), “These updates will reduce the amount of low-quality content in search by 40 percent and send more traffic to useful sites. Thus, sites that have always worked to generate insights and content to answer people’s questions will be rewarded with better rankings on the SERP.

There is also Spam Update in the March 2024 Google update

Another important new feature found in theMarch 2024 Google algorithm update is the so-called Spam Update. A set of policies put in place by Google with the intention of improving the user’s search experience and protecting sites that create and publish valuable content. Specifically, it will focus on 3 areas:

  • Abuse of expired domains, to counter the practice whereby people buy an expired domain that has a good reputation and then start publishing low-value texts, hoping to increase its authority.
  • Abuse of content on a large scale, to avoid the massive dissemination of texts created by artificial intelligence or poor quality texts designed only to please search engines.
  • Abuse of reputation of authoritative sites, to reduce the practice of publishing unhelpful sponsored content made by third parties and posted on authoritative sites (which can undermine the site’s own authority).

What’s next. What changes with the new Google 2024 Core Update.

The algorithm will need at least a month to stabilize, and during this period some portals may notice significant changes. However, you don’t have to worry if your website has always published original content, doesn’t spam and meets the technical requirements.

In addition, Helpful Content reporting will not have a negative impact directly on the domain but only on individual URLs. The advice, therefore, for content creators is to create texts designed for users, capable of answering their questions, curiosities and needs. In particular, it should be informative, up-to-date content, perhaps supplemented with high-quality videos and original infographics.

When writing, then, one should not forget the importance of SEO copywriting to create optimized texts capable of increasing organic search engine rankings.

SEO of mobile sites is also important. Find out why, read our article:
Mobile SEO: how to optimize your site for browsing from smartphones

What to do if you lost traffic after the March 2024 Google update: 4 useful tips

Have you noticed major changes in your website, such as loss of ranking or fluctuations to traffic? In this case, it is best to avoid getting too alarmed or anxious. Ideally, you should let some time pass and check the situation after the Google update settles.

In the meantime, however, there are some actions you can put into practice. We recommend four of them.

1. Does your website meet Google’s guidelines?

It is true that with the latest update Google will increasingly reward websites that create original content. At the same time, however, the portal must also comply with a number of technical rules.

To give an example, it is necessary:

2. Solve problems

Is your website slow or insecure? This too can affect your rankings and the traffic you generate. Likewise, check the pages that have changed and, using tools such as Google Analytics 4 or Google Search Console, try to understand why they have done so, taking action to fix the problems highlighted by the search engine.

3. Review your content

A good tip is to take back content you have already published and update it. Assess whether the text is complete, whether it really answers all the user’s questions, whether it is original, meaningful and relevant to your audience. Also intervene if you notice keyword stuffing practices (i.e., if keywords have been used excessively and unnaturally).

4. Have a team of experts evaluate the website

If you want to anticipate the possible consequences that Google’s algorithm update might have on your website, you can always turn to acommunications agency. This way, after a preliminary analysis, you will find out whether your portal meets all of Google’s requirements, whether there is room for improvement and apply timely and targeted interventions to correct any errors.

Do you want a high-performing site that is Google 2024 Core Update-proof?
Learn about Isola ‘s services and what we can do for you!

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September 24, 2024

4 minutes

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