Not sure if it’s really time torevamp your company’scorporate identity? Do you share green ideals and would like to change the logo to share this information, but are afraid of the impact the change might have on people? These are all legitimate questions that, at some point in a brand’s career, need to be considered.

In fact, if you think that your identity no longer reflects your corporate values or that your logo is a little old-fashioned, perhaps it’s good to take back your corporate identity and start working on it.

So, let’s understand more about the value of corporate identity and when (and how) you should renew it.

Corporate identity: is image really important in building corporate identity?

When we talk aboutcorporate identity we refer to theidentity of the company which usually consists of: vision, values, mission and purpose. Elements that deeply characterize the brand, make it unique and distinguishable from others.

Contributing to this uniqueness, however, are so many elements, such as the tone of voice andcorporate image that are built by taking up precisely the brand’s history, values, mission, vision, and purpose. These are all factors that go into building the brand identity and are the first thing people interact with when interacting with the company.

So is corporate image important for corporate identity? According to branding statistics and trends for 2024 reported by Exploding Topics, the “first impression” is crucial, and the image you choose to tell your brand influences 55 percent.

It then becomes essential to opt for the right visual that will make you stand out from others. Evaluating the right colors, font, logo, and all the graphic elements that identify your company must take into consideration the brand’s history, mission, and values with a careful and personalized study.

The benefits of consistent communication

Corporate restyling includes the entire communication department to create perfect brand consistency.

This allows you to:

  • Communicate a clear message (conveying values, mission, purpose, story)
  • Create your uniqueness and brand consistency
  • Getting people to recognize (and remember) you
  • distinguish yourself from other competitors
  • Increase brand reliability and brand reputation
  • Improve brand loyalty and brand awareness

Do you know what is meant by brand awareness? Find out by reading:
How to increase your company’s brand awareness

When to renew corporate identity

There is no perfect time to renew your corporate identity. There are no deadlines or expiration dates. But if you feel that something important is changing in your business and that, for example, the graphics used for your corporate image no longer reflect your values, that the logo is anonymous, and that your customers need to perceive your business differently–this is certainly the right time to turn to acommunications agency and figure out what you can do to achieve your business goals.

So, you can think of renewal if:

  • The logo, colors, or graphic aspects do not reflect the current vision, goals, and values of the brand
  • You are expanding into a new market and need a new identity, even clearer and stronger
  • You intend to reposition yourself in the same market, following consumer trends and needs
  • You want to appeal to new target audience
  • You have changed your business model or product or service offering
  • Your brand is now barely recognizable, you struggle to stand out from the competition
  • The company underwent a merger or acquisition
How to renew corporate identity

Have we often talked about corporate logo? Find out what it is and how to do it, read on:
How the creation of a logo takes place

How to renew corporate identity: 4 useful tips

As you may have guessed, renewal is almost physiological. Corporate identity must keep up with the times, with the needs of the market and the target audience, but it can also change its goals and open up to new horizons. So, let’s see how you can update it and what steps you need to take to do so.

1. Study and analysis

Study and analysis are the first step to take if you want your corporate identity renewal to be a success. You need to understand how the company stands in the market today, in what sphere it moves and what target audience it reaches, but above all, what is the value proposition it offers, what sets it apart, the values on which the business is based and what it intends to represent. At this stage, the vision (the long-term goal) and mission (the actions put into practice to achieve the goals) are also analyzed.

2. Change design and communication style

Only once you have all the elements in hand can you develop a draft brand identity to redefine the style, tone of voice, colors, and logo, thus going on to update the existing image according to the new suggestions.

Changes can be minimal or radical. For example, you can work on the words, updating your company’s style guide and slogan. Or you can work on the logo, smoothing out the corners, changing the brand colors, and opting for other useful gimmicks to communicate your new message. These changes will be reflected in all your communication: you will, therefore, have to modify your brochures, your business cards, but also your website and your approach on social media, so that the new identity you have chosen is immediately recognizable to people.

3. Try new communication channels

An interesting way to refresh your corporate image may be to use new tools to reach your audience. If, for example, the corporate identity refresh involves a new target audience-such as Generation Z-you can invest in a targeted social media strategy, focusing on creating engaging and relevant content on TikTok. In this case, it might also be worth considering collaboration with influencers and video content creators.

4. Make yourself known

With the renewal process completed, all that remains is for you to make your new identity known to your audience. To reach your audience (and your goals) effectively, it may be helpful to employ a new marketing strategy. For example, you might envision a launch campaign to introduce the new logo, website or social media redesign, assessing people’s reactions to the change.

Choose Isola to renew your corporate identity

At Isola we can innovate your corporate identity and better communicate your values to people. After a careful analysis, we will consider whether to address:

  • A partial rebrand to refresh the image with a light but eye-catching redesign to keep up with market trends and target audience demands
  • A total rebrand to reposition your company in the marketplace and meet your new communication needs

Do you want to renew your corporate identity successfully?
Our graphic design studio is looking forward to accepting your challenge!

Contact us


April 25, 2024

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