Verbal Identity and Tone of Voice (ToV) are essential tools for proper business communication.
While the latter is concerned with all business communication (thus, how a business tells its story through texts and images), Verbal Identity is the element that makes it easy to recognize its lyrics.
Thus, if we take a singer‘s voice as a reference point, his Tone of Voice could be the timbre, which makes us immediately know who the song belongs to. Conversely, Verbal Identity would be the style in which he writes or composes his songs.

By devising a coherent strategy for both, your business can:

  • become recognizable
  • make customers fall in love
  • attract new ones
  • stand out against competitors

So let’s see together how you can succeed in making Verbal Identity and Tone of Voice two of your winning weapons and make your online presence a competitive advantage for your business.

Verbal Identity: how to get your brand recognized through written and spoken communication

Verbal Identity represents a brand’s specific way of communicating.
Not only that, it is what leads it to be recognizable even without the elements of visual identity, such as logos and images.
But how does one build Verbal Identity?
Again, the following objectives should be kept in mind:

  • Fully communicate the values in which your brand is reflected
  • Coding the right Tone of Voice with which to address customers, arousing their interest and emotions
  • Use the same communication style consistently across all communication channels

Building a strong Verbal Identity and applying it correctly will help make your brand stand out from other players in your same industry. In this way, users will know how to recognize you and you will be more likely to convert them into new customers.
But the work to be done is not only theoretical: especially if you are on the Internet, all of this needs to be inserted within a communication strategy that allows you to be found. You therefore need SEO Copywriting techniques to ensure that your Verbal Identity is not only well planned but also appreciated by as many users as possible.

Tone of Voice: find out how to bring your customers closer to you

If you want to have a close and direct contact with your audience, the Tone of Voice is a crucial factor in building your storytelling and creating a powerful bond. In fact, it consists precisely of the way you address users to tell them about your business and your offer. So, it is a key element in a content marketing strategy and must be captured in both the visual and textual parts.
Specifically, the Tone of Voice serves to:

  • Attract more interest from customers, bringing them closer to your business
  • Get new customers who will be intrigued by your reality and products
  • Differentiate your brand from others

Each company must characterize itself by a unique Tone of Voice. This can be, for example:

  1. Colloquial
  2. Ironic
  3. Institutional
  4. Professional

Let us then focus on how these adjectives translate into a text.

1. Tone of Voice Colloquial: beside your customers with simplicity

Tone of Voice Colloquial

Simple, friendly, transparent and crisp words are the main characteristic of Colloquial Tone of Voice, which is very close to spoken language.
In this case, linear and direct sentences are enough to arouse interest in your brand. In addition, you can always add a few notes of humor and sympathy to engage the customer more as in a conversation between friends.

2. Ironic tone of voice: strong hues for simple sentences.

A type of Tone of Voice that is even closer to the spoken form is one that makes use of ironic language. Direct and incisive, this style is aimed precisely at the goal of arousing astonishment and surprise in the company’s clientele, often with the purpose of making it unique and special from the rest of the competition.

3. Institutional Tone of Voice: formality as the first rule

In contrast, the institutional-type Tone of Voice is the one most closely related to the traditional written form of the language.
Unlike the previous ones, it makes use of specific and sophisticated language, from complex syntax, and the third-person subject. At times, more courtly and lofty tones are achieved in the presentation of a luxury brand, to lend greater prestige to the product.

4. Tone of Voice Professional: simple, yet enveloping

Professional Tone of Voice differs from institutional Tone of Voice in its use of simpler language and shorter sentences, making it slightly warmer and more human than its predecessor.
Sometimes, this can be made even more appealing by dreamy, enveloping touches to better communicate the benefits of the product or service.
Now that you know some of the main types of tone of voice that can be adopted, a good exercise is to visit the websites and social profiles of companies you respect and analyze how they communicate.

How it speaks Nike? And instead. Amazon? Study the best ones and then find your own way to communicate!

How to choose the right Tone of Voice to give voice to your business?

Once you have been introduced to the various Tones of Voice, you may be wondering which one is best suited to represent your company. There is no certain answer, and if there were, it would be, “It depends on who you are.”
In any case, to find out how you should speak, you need to delve into this aspect first: your audience.
In fact, every brand targets a very specific customer audience with its own interests. Therefore, you should understand which consumer group you want to speak to and opt for a Tone of Voice that reflects that audience and engages them.
For example, for a young target audience it will be appropriate to use colloquial language, while if you sell products aimed at more mature people it is better to choose a more formal type of communication.
So, the first rule is: define your Buyer Personas.
In addition, in order to aim for effective communication, it is a good idea to create guidelines to adhere to for each piece of content, so that they are all consistent with your company’s personality.
You can identify guidelines tailored to you by engaging an expert in persuasive copywriting, e.g. Isola di Comunicazione.

Revolutionize the way you communicate with Isola di Comunicazione

Are you tired of presenting your business trivial and obvious texts? Our experts at Isola di Comunicazione are here to define the Tone of Voice tailored to your brand.
Not only that, our communications agency also specializes in

Contact us and give your company a new voice with us!


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