Google Ads is probably one of the most widely used tools for those working in the world of digital marketing. Created by the company of the same name, this software allows you to buy advertising space in strategic positions. Specifically, on the results page (or SERP) of Google, on partner sites or on YouTube, so as to increase your visibility. But to whom should you entrust your Google Ads campaigns?

Often the choice falls between a specialized Google Ads consultant or anSEM agency and, most of the time, it is not that simple. For this reason, with this article we will try to describe the work of both parties so as to shed more light on both.

The difference between a freelance consultant and an SEM agency

Before we figure out which figure is best suited to your company ‘s needs between a consultant or anSEM agency, let’s start with definitions and differences.

  • Freelancer A freelancer is a professional who works autonomously with an approach that can be either consultative (i.e., external to the team) or operational (i.e., internal to the company).
    Usually, he specializes in specific subjects is has very in-depth knowledge about his field of action.
    He can be contacted as needed, to get an external and more objective point of view. Or, he may be hired as a collaborator for a given period, so that he himself carries out the improvement actions.
  • Agency – The agency consists of a team of different specialists. Each is competent in one or more disciplines and, in concert with the others, is able to approach each project from multiple perspectives.
    Among the figures that make up a web agency cannot miss theSEO expert, the copywriter (i.e., the one who writes the texts), the graphic designer, the web designer, and the digital marketing specialist, who is in charge of paid online listings.
Campaigns google ads communication agency

The advantages of SEM agency

Relying on anSEM agency brings with it a number of benefits, especially if internally within the company you do not have employees with digital skills.
Specifically, the main benefits that an SEM agency can bring to your business are:

  • The possibility of more comprehensive communication projects
  • The constant presence and great strength of the team
  • the guarantee of the partnership with Google
  • the accumulated expertise in multiple business sectors
  • Thelowering of costs for individual professionals

Possibility of more comprehensive communication projects

Having more professionals gathered in one place allows you to structure 360-degree communication projects.

In fact, from the perspective of paid advertising, in an agency you find:

  • Theexpert in Google Ads, able to set up an advertising campaign with the right parameters and budget
  • The copy that can write themost effective ad
  • A professional in website development who builds the perfect landing page

In addition to all this, the agency takes care of every aspect of your online and offline presence. In this way, all outputs are consistent and channeled in the same direction.

The training courses offered by the SEM agency

The high density of professionals united in one office also allows you to request training courses to develop your digital skills.
In Isola, for example, we have developed a parallel project called Next Level Academy. Its goal is to deliver training courses on the subjects of our expertise to small and large companies that need them.
By attending them, our agency becomes your support in the early stages of your web adventure, and you will gradually become more and more autonomous in every decision.

Discover Next Level Academy

Constant presence and great strength of the team

A web agency is able to ensure a constant presence even during the most classic vacation periods. In fact, the possibility of having an entire team, allows us to always have theoffice covered with more than one specialist on every day of the year.
In this way, you get continuous assistance for any possible problems that may occur.

In contrast, a freelancer is forced to take time off a few weeks a year to give himself or herself periods of well-deserved rest.
Working alone and independently, therefore, you will not be able to count on his or her full-time cooperation during those weeks.

Ensuring Partnership with Google

The Google search engine allows those who use it professionally to participate in courses and take exams.
Specifically, the freelance consultant can obtain individual certification by opening their account and reporting a positive result in two tests:

  1. one on the basic principles of Ads
  2. One free choice from the various specializations the software offers

However, theSEM agency is able to offer an additional guarantee: the partnership with Google. To receive this certificate, it is essential to meet certain criteria, which are becoming more stringent every year. For example, by 2022 it is necessary:

  • Be able to achieve an account optimization rate of at least 70%
  • Manage an expenditure in advertising of at least $10,000 for 90 days
  • Have at least half of their staff with individual certification

Isola is Google Partner 2022

Accumulated expertise in multiple business sectors

TheSEM agency has a portfolio of projects carried out in a variety of business sectors, making it competent in a wide range of markets.
This expertise comes from past case histories in which the team has already dealt with businesses similar to yours and, as a result, knows their needs and masters their technical language.

This allows you to get on track right away with targeted actions, shortening the testing phase of campaigns. In other words, investments become profitable in less time, greatly benefiting your reality’s turnover.

Lowering the costs of individual professionals

Contrary to what you may think, it is not necessarily the case that the cost of an agency is higher than that of a freelance professional.
In fact, the two often provide their services for a very similar price.
However, even if the agency’s quote is higher, having an entire team makes web marketing more profitable.

Better a small agency or a large agency?

Once we have clarified the difference between agency and freelancer and the advantages of one and the other, it is time to make another decision. Is it better to go with a large agency or a smaller one?

Freelance google ads campaigns

When choosing, you need to take some characteristics into consideration. For example:

  • Large agencies put even more professionals at your disposal. At the same time, they have anautomation of processes that makes them work almost like an assembly line. In contrast, the small agency has a smaller staff, but manages to provide tailor-made service and greater proximity between people.
  • The operating costs of large agencies are not only related to operations and creativity. They also include other items, such as secretarial or accounting fees. Small agencies, in contrast, have smarter formulas that allow for less onerous budgets.

Do you want to rely on anSEM agency? Turn to the experts at Isola di Comunicazione!
Contact us today and request your free customized quote


April 14, 2022

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