Choosing aGoogle Partner agency gives you the opportunity to rely on serious professionals in web marketing and online advertising. In addition, giving the management of your Google account to a web agency with this feature is a guarantee that you are interacting with a competent entity that focuses on the continuous updating of its entire team.

In fact, Google ‘s certifications and partnerships are not eternal, but must be renewed every year. This forces anyone who wants to offer digital advertising services to stay abreast of the latest developments to meet criteria that the search engine makes more stringent from year to year.

Learn more about this topic by continuing reading!

What is the Google Partnership

The Google Partnership ascertains that the web agency is recognized by the search engine for its professionalism in creating successful online advertising campaigns. Basically, it serves to assure clients that the office they are approaching is capable of handling Google Ads for them.

In some ways it has similar features to Google Certification. What changes are the requirements that must be met to obtain it.

The criteria to be met to obtain the Google Partner agency certificate until 2021

Up to and including 2021, there were 4 basic requirements that an agency had to meet to become a Google Partner:

  1. Be registered on the Google Partners portal and have created and filled out their company profile with all the necessary data
  2. Have reached a spend of 10,000 in 60 days of Google Ads activity
  3. Have complied with the best practices set forth by the search engine, i.e., all those standards of excellence in Ads account management that ensure the effectiveness of listings
  4. Have at least one person on staff with individual Google Ads certification

The requirements for remaining – or becoming – Google Partner agencies from 2022

By 2022 , the requirements will be much more stringent and can be summarized in 3 macro areas:

  1. The Yield – This parameter indicates the agency’s ability to set up performing ads. The optimization percentage of Google Ads campaigns must be at least 70%.
  2. The Expenditure – An agency must manage an advertising expenditure of at least $10,000 for 90 days, total of all accounts followed.
  3. Certification-Half of the staff in the office must have Google Ads certification.

As you can see, the partnership award criteria each year become more and more selective precisely with a view to ensuring the best possible service to customers.

To summarize: the Partner designation ensures that the web agency is recognized by the search engine for its professionalism in creating successful online advertising campaigns with the utmost up-to-dateness. This is because web marketing changes extremely fast and and it is critical to assure clients that the office they are approaching remains up-to-date.

At this point you might also be interested in the article: How Google Ads works: the goals and keywords.

How to recognize a certified Google Partner agency

Saying you are able to create and optimize Google Ads campaigns is not enough to actually be one. In fact, after meeting the requirements, each office gets a Google badge that attests to the recognition received from the search engine. So, in case the agency exhibits this certification, you can be sure that it is formed by specialists with experience in advertising and online services.

In addition to this, the badge also allows you to easily search whether a particular agency is on the list of certified partners. This prevents forgery and improper behavior, which, unfortunately, is very common online.

Our web agency in Milan Isola di Comunicazione is a Certified Google Partner. As proof of this, you can see the certificate displayed on the site and our digital badge. You can find it by clicking here: this page lists all of our specializations, as well as a list of the high standards imposed by Google and that our team of professionals abides by.

Why partner with a Google Partner agency like Isola

The advantages of working with aGoogle Partner agency are numerous. In fact, although on paper the individual’s digital advertising skills are the same as those of a freelancer, it is the choral, group and teamwork that is the trump card.

Our offices are animated by brilliant professionals who master every discipline that is fundamental for anyone who wants to move in the digital world. A web communication project can never be approached from a single point of view: each campaign, in order to bring concrete results and make the investment profitable, needs yes the technical knowledge of the platform, but also:

In short: choosing anSEM agency offers unparalleled transversality that can really make a difference. Ours, then, also gives you the opportunity to tackle the Russian market thanks to its specialization in the Yandex search engine. In this way you will be able to:

  • get more visibility
  • generate more contacts
  • increase sales
  • Intensify traffic to your website

Since theinvestment in web marketing can also be expensive (read our article on how much Google Ads can cost), it is a good idea to always rely on those who can give the most guarantees of success.

Contact us now and start implementing your online advertising by taking advantage of the benefits of aCertified Google Partner agency!

Request an analysis of your current campaigns and possible new campaign performance free of charge


December 10, 2019

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